3 Unique Careers that you should know of by 2030

Choosing careers for the future can be difficult, especially when you’re young. It doesn’t help that the world is changing rapidly.

Artist’s impression of ‘farmscrapers’, designed by architect firm Vincent Callebaut. Image: Solent News/REX/Shutterstock

Change can be scary, but it presents multiple opportunities for the next generation.

Most students know careers that existed and were relevant 20 years ago. We decided to transform typical careers into the projected in demand careers over the next 20 years.

Interested in Careers in Art & Design?

Augmented reality/virtual reality designer

Augmented reality is an interactive experience that adds digital elements to a live view, like in Pokémon Go.

While virtual reality is a complete immersion experience into a computer-generated world.

design careers
Career in Augmented Reality

This career is known in the world of gaming but also plays a large role in tourism, medicine, education, and many other areas of work and life. The worth of the global VR market is projected to reach $87.0 billion by 2030. This degree by SCAD allows you pursue this career.

Interested in Computer Science?

Artificial Intelligence Engineers

Artificial intelligence is the ability for a computer to think and learn. This technology allows businesses make better decisions and improve processes, thus the adoption by all industries.

AI self-driving car

AI is now used in everyday life including voice assistants, image recognition for unlocking your phone, self-driving cars, and fraud detection. Carnegie Mellon offers America’s first bachelor’s degree in artificial intelligence.

Interested in a Careers in Engineering?

Robot Designer

Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of robots.

Career in Robot design

This career is in high demand as the need for professionals in this space is increasing. This degree from Monash will allow you explore this career.

Now what?

 So before you show interest or undertake any course to benefit your future career, you should first do some research into the future of that career.

To learn more about exciting careers of the future, and university admissions, be sure to attend our upcoming event where we share more details about making smart career decisions for 2030!

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